
-By Brand Promoter 3x

TOP 3 Steps Business Should Know Before START

According to Experts Analysis “99% Businesses Fails to Understand the Basic Concept of Digital Marketing”

In few Geo Survey of 2019-20 by Brand Promoter 3x team, found that Local/Global Businesses makes same mistakes again-n-again but unable to find a bug, to do it in perfect way through“Digital Marketing”

These TOP 3 Steps, not Only help you to Understand the Basic Concept, But Also Speedup Your Local/Global Business on Digital Marketing Platforms

Let’s discuss about the TOP 3 Steps to Speedup Your Local/Global Business through Digital Marketing:

Mostly Startups, even Experienced Traditional Businesses makes mistakes, when it comes to digital marketing! You know WHY? Next question will give you answer of it, then we'll ask you "Why you are doing Digital Marketing for your business? What's your Purpose?" Your answer will be "Target the Clients/Customers" or smiliar answer with new Synonyms!

Then 2nd Question will arise in your mind will be "Everyone doing the Same, with same purpose" that's makes what a difference? If we said you are RIGHT, with your Purpose but don't understand the steps you followed are right or wrong? That's a bug you don't find and fails 99% times.

If you are starting your business journey you need to understand your customers journey, What they want? What's there Culture? Is it Right place/market to pitch your business idea? These all questions helps you to understand the deep down concept of Customer behaviour in Digital Marketing and that's article makes you rich tonight.


When you understand your Customer deciding to make a purchase of your product and services, In which first steps comes to be Awarness, where Customer learns about a business or products.

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These two question will help you to understand the Awareness concept.

When will my customer be most receptive to become aware of products like mine?

How could my customer become aware of my company and its products?


The 2nd Step you already knew before we told, that's "It's a points in journey of your customer when they are INTERSTED to buy product or services.

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These two question will help you to understand the Consideration concept.

When will your customer ready to learn more about my products?

How will my customers find information about my products once they are ready?


It's Most Important Step, in your business's journey, because it's part you are aiming to your customer from first phase. A Conversion is counted in any business when customer decided to buy product/services.

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These two question will help you to understand the Conversion concept.

When your customer be ready to make a purchase?

How can I convince my customers to buy my product?


A Digital Marketing Journey become successful when you follow the path and learn the behaviour of your customers. AWARENESS > CONSIDERATION > CONVERSION , these TOP 3 steps by Brand Promoter 3x Team, will help you indirectly.

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